Stress is a huge part of the university experience, and it's something we all have to deal with in life. We don't, however, have to let it get the best of us. Just for the cord, these tips actually work, like "deep breathing exercises"
1. Avoid stressful people. Stress actually is contagious. During exam week, resist the urge to have a study session with your super tense friend.
2. Eat healthy and exercise. If you are studying for a long period of time, make and effort to eat healthy, including plenty of fruits and vegetables. Also,a 10 minute walk will leave you calmer and more focused.
3. force yourself to take break . For every hour or so that you work, take a 10 or 15 minute break. Let yourself do whatever you want. This gives your brain a little rest and will help keep you focused when you are actually doing work.
4 Visualize it all going right. Picture getting all of the answers right, and focus on how relaxed you feel. Then picture the A on your test paper. when you imagine a happy ending, that's often what happens.
5. If you've studied all you can, get up your confidence!!!!!
Guinean students celebrating EID fitr in Malaysia
Eid ul-Fitr is a celebration held by Muslims to mark the end of Ramadan and thank Allah for the strength he gives them to get through this period of fasting.
it is also a time for fellowship, socialization, and good wishes, and it is celebrated with a variety of local traditions all over the world. Every Muslim wants to wear new clothes on Ed and crowds of customers throng, the shopping centers making their last minute purchases on the days prior to eid.
Guinean students celebrating EID fitr in Malaysia In Malaysia,
Eid is more commonly known as Hari Raya or Hari Raya Puasa. Hari Raya, which literally means 'Celebration Day'. Eid-ul-Fitrs is important for Muslims because it gives the happiness on the faces of all type of people, rich, poor, old people, youngsters, children, males and females. All people dress up in their best on this occasion or at least neat and clean clothes and attend prayers at the local Mosque or Eidgah (an open-air mosque usually outside the city) just after dawn.
After saying prayer, the Imam (the leader) gives an address to people and after that people hug each other and say "Eid Mubarak", and then they return to their homes During Ramadan all Guinean students in Malaysia like to take breakfast together as well as trawih prayer. Usually the women cook some traditional food such as lafidi sadi , kabise and moni. In the Eid celebration Guineans wear their traditional dress such as basen and other traditional and the Bureau of Association oraganize even and festival for students to enjoy their Eid as in Hometown they come out with traditional food and dance
During Iftar gathering which was organized after conference
Guinean students celebrating EID fitr in Malaysia In Malaysia,
Eid is more commonly known as Hari Raya or Hari Raya Puasa. Hari Raya, which literally means 'Celebration Day'. Eid-ul-Fitrs is important for Muslims because it gives the happiness on the faces of all type of people, rich, poor, old people, youngsters, children, males and females. All people dress up in their best on this occasion or at least neat and clean clothes and attend prayers at the local Mosque or Eidgah (an open-air mosque usually outside the city) just after dawn.
After saying prayer, the Imam (the leader) gives an address to people and after that people hug each other and say "Eid Mubarak", and then they return to their homes During Ramadan all Guinean students in Malaysia like to take breakfast together as well as trawih prayer. Usually the women cook some traditional food such as lafidi sadi , kabise and moni. In the Eid celebration Guineans wear their traditional dress such as basen and other traditional and the Bureau of Association oraganize even and festival for students to enjoy their Eid as in Hometown they come out with traditional food and dance
During Iftar gathering which was organized after conference
My stance on politics!!!!!!!!!!!!
After long and hard thinking about politics, I have come up with a political philosophy. It's a short philosophy:
Ideology is bad.
I dislike ideologies in all forms: liberal, conservative, libertarian, whatever. Right at the moment, I think that the liberal/conservative divide is the single most harmful thing about American politics. Politicians don't seem to care about solving problems, they only want to know whether a particular idea is liberal or conservative, and then, presto, they are for/against it.
Ideologies are an excuse for people to avoid thinking. Once people adopt a political philosophy that has all of the answers, they stop thinking and start rationalizing. I find it difficult to take anybody's opinions seriously when it is clear that they started with the answers, and then worked backward to select facts that would support their views, and ignore facts that don't. Most people declaiming their opinions succeed primarily in convincing me that they are too stupid to understand any viewpoint other than their own.
In short, if you want me to take your opinions seriously, you will have to convince me that you in fact understand both sides of an issue.
Overall, I don't like people assuming that one opinion locates me at some point on a liberal/conservative scale-- I've never seen a logical reason why my opinion about, say, gun control ought to have some ideological correlation with my opinion about birth control. I'm not a liberal. I'm not a conservative. Mark me down as "other."
That's the major part of my political philosophy: thinking good; ideology bad.
For more of my opinions, the following points summarize my politics:
Ditch the ideology, and tell me the facts.
Freedom of speech is important.
If there's one single point which is key to my political beliefs, it is an emphatic belief in free speech. Freedom of speech (and writing, and art) is critical to the free exchange of ideas, and any society that does not allow the free exchange of ideas will slide into totalitarianism. Yes, I do know the arguments against hate speech, against child pornography, against allowing terrorist to recruit on the internet, against several other good reasons that free speech shouldn't be unconditional. I understand and sympathize with them. But if anybody is given the power to decide that some particular form of speech is forbidden, this power is simply too easy to abuse. Or, to phrase it differently:
Pay attention to the words you say when you try to curtail speech of people you don't like: they are the same words you will hear when others take away your right to speak.
Freedom of speech is so important to me, that for a while I was considering listing this as the only political view I have. However, as somewhat less important subjects, here are the rest of my (hard thought-out) political opinions:
Technology is a tool for solving problems. (I'm in favor of appropriate technology: that means the technology that is appropriate to the problem.)
Prosperity is better than poverty.
Or, to quote the campaign of a former president, it really is "the economy, stupid."
We have a nice planet here, let's not destroy it.
Democracy is good.
(Winston Churchill said that democracy is absolutely the worst form of government, except for all the other forms of government which have been tried. I agree.)
From these main points, you can pretty much triangulate my views on other subjects.
One more thing: Wanting something to be true doesn't make it true
Current events
In the United States, the "war against terror" has me badly scared. Free speech and fair, open trials are two of the things that I think makes America great, and I'm horrified at the way that these ideals have been abandoned in the urgency of the moment. Ben Franklin said that people who give up essential liberty for temporary security won't get either one, and I think that fair, open trials are an essential part of American liberty. Secret trials are the signature of a dictatorship, and freedom of the press is what keeps us free. When the administration told us that it was going to take these freedoms away to stop terrorism, how come nobody objected? It's almost enough to get me to hold my nose and join the American Civil Liberties Union. I'm really thinking about it.
This is important: Pay attention to the words that you hear yourself saying when you justify why you should take away the rights and free speech of people you think are your enemies. You're going to hear these words again, when they take away your rights.

L’Union des Forces Républicaines est dirigé depuis 2000 par Sidya Touré, un libéral convaincu qui croit aux vertus du marché. Par ailleurs, Premier Ministre de Guinée entre 1996 et 1999, il avait acquis quelques résultats probants qui restent encore gravés dans la mémoire collective des Guinéens.
Tout d’abord, Sidya Touré a fait rétablir l’eau et l’électricité (absentes depuis 20 ans) dans le pays pendant sa primature. Par ailleurs, il s’est aussi distingué notamment par son action pour l’assainissement du fichier de la fonction publique et pour la normalisation des rapports avec les bailleurs de fonds, ce qui a permis en un an d’obtenir des financements divers à hauteur de 257 millions de dollars. Son action pour la maîtrise de l’inflation ramenée à 6 mois – de 2% à l’époque – a permis le maintien à un niveau acceptable du pouvoir d’achat de ses compatriotes. En un an à peine, il a réussi à convaincre les Guinéens que leur sort ne relevait pas de la fatalité mais plutôt d’une mauvaise gouvernance caractérisée, durant des décennies, par des détournements de deniers publics dans un contexte d’impunité totale.
Avant même d’être nommé Premier Ministre, Sidya Touré avait réalisé d’importants investissements en Guinée, notamment dans le domaine de l’agriculture, avec la réalisation de plantations de 500 hectares dans son village de Kolon, situé à environ 220 kilomètres de Conakry. S’il se porte candidat à l’élection présidentielle de 2010, c’est afin d’arrêter la descente aux Enfers de la Guinée et de son peuple.
Brillant, ce célèbre homme politique africain est titulaire d’une licence en droit des affaires, diplômé de l’Ecole nationale du Trésor de Paris et a réalisé l’essentiel de sa carrière en Côte d’Ivoire à des postes à responsabilité où il s’est affirmé comme étant un des plus grands administrateurs de la Côte d’Ivoire. Démarrée en 1972, la carrière de ce démocrate confirmé a connu une trajectoire linéaire qui fait de lui le meilleur candidat à la future présidentielle.
1972-1974 :
• Inspecteur du Trésor chargé de vérification à la direction de la comptabilité
publique et du trésor à Abidjan
• Sous-directeur au Trésor chargé des finances extérieures et du crédit
1973-1975 :
• Conseiller Technique du Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances aux Assemblées
Annuelles du F.M.I et de la Banque Mondiale
1974-1977 :
• Directeur de l’Administration Générale du Ministre du Commerce de la Côte d’Ivoire
dont il coordonne la mise en place
1974-1994 :
• Administrateur de plusieurs sociétés dont l’EECI (Energie Electrique de la
Côte d’Ivoire), la PETROCI (la société ivoirienne de recherche et d’exploitation
ivoirienne), la SIR (Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage), la SODESUCRE (la Société
De production et de commercialisation du Sucre) et la SIB (la Société Ivoirienne
de Banque).
1977-1981 :
• Directeur de Commerce intérieur et de Distribution
• Directeur de la Caisse Générale de Péréquation des prix des produits de
Grande Consommation Administrateur de la société de Distribution des pétroles
BP (British Petrolum)
• Président de la l’OCPA (Office de Commercialisation de Produits Agricoles),
chargé de collecter la production de riz et de maïs du pays.
1981-1983 :
• Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre du Plan et de l’Industrie
• Directeur Général par intérim du BDI (Bureau de développement Industriel)
chargé de la promotion de l’Industrie Ivoirienne
• Responsable de la cellule de base du 1er programme d’ajustement structurel
du secteur de l’Industrie en Côte d’Ivoire
• Administrateur représentant la Côté d’Ivoire aux ICS (Industries Chimiques du
Sénégal, société de transformation du phosphate pour la production d’engrais)
1983-octobre 1989 :
• Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre d’Etat, chargé des négociations pour le
rééchelonnement de la dette publique
• ET Président de la Commission Technique de suivi Economique chargée des
négociations sur la dette publique et de l’élaboration du programme de relance
18 avril 1990-30 novembre 1989 :
• Responsable chargé du Cabinet du Président du Comité Interministériel de
Coordination et de Relance Economique
Novembre 1990-décembre 1993 :
• Directeur de Cabinet du Premier Ministre de la Côte d’Ivoire (Abidjan) avec rang
de Ministre. A ce titre, il assurait le secrétariat au Conseil des Ministres.
1994-1996 :
• Président de la SOFIG, Société Financière et Industrielle du Golfe.
• Et il devient planteur à Kolon (préfecture de Boffa) où il a réalisé 500 hectares
de plantations, palmiers, cocotiers et anacardiers.
1996-1999 : Premier Ministre de la République de Guinée.
Son passage fut très remarqué : durant son mandat, il obtint en 1997 un
programme formel avec le FMI pour que la Guinée accède au statut de PPTE
(Pays Pauvre Très Endetté).
A son départ de la Primature, il crée le Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche
Economique et Social (CERES), une ONG qui avait pour but d’observer l’évolution
socioéconomique de la Guinée.
Ces différents acquis ont été malheureusement liquidés par le gouvernement
suivant. C’est l’une des raisons qui a poussé Sidya Touré à s’investir en politique
afin de ne plus voir la Guinée dans un tel état de détresse.
Depuis le 20 mai 2000, date à laquelle il a été élu président de l’UFR, Sidya Touré
a décidé de se battre pour faire renaître de ses cendres la République de Guinée
afin d’en faire un modèle de développement dans la sous-région.
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