


Officially known as Conakry located on the west cost of Guinea along the Atlantic Ocean. It lies between Latitudes 9°30 and 9°70 North and longitudes 13°700 and 13°400 west (ADB, 2003). It is a peninsula that stretches from the Northeast to the southwest over a distance of 36Km. The Conakry of contemporary time is lined with geometric arterial streets that have tall and thick mango trees that submerge the city with their green foliage with its cornich facing Oceans. Conakry is bordered by two cities namely Koyah and Dobirika. The population in my hometown is about 1.5 million approximately.  Conakry is known for sandy beach and forested interior. Conakry tropical climate is characterized by two seasons: a dry season, which commences from October to May, and a wet season that begins in June and culminates in September. The microclimate, due to the influence of oceans monsoon winds and sea breeze, is responsible for an abundant rainfall. Air humidity in Conakry ranges from 69% to 80%. The average annual minimum temperature is (23°C) with very low thermal amplitude. The maximum is around 29°C. Conakry is divided into five urban districts namely Kaloum, Dixinm, Matoto and Ratoma.

History of Conakry
Conakry was founded in colonial times precisely in year 1880 by French; during that time it lies on Tumbo Island and the “Comapyennes Peninsula”, it derived its name from a local village inhabited by Susu community.  For many years Conakry remained a kind of museum of colonial architecture and urbanism. However, the rapid acceleration of growth in the second half of the 20th century, had implication for the city’s infrastructure and changes in ways of life. This development was the results of several superimposed historical strata such as planning and creation of facilities during colonial phase and minimal state intervention associated with limitation on private initiatives during the regimes of President Ahmed Sekou Toure, in addition to central role played by private investors during the regime of Lansana Conte whose regime was characterized by the absence of an urban policy, all of which led to an explosion of economic liberalism and extension in private investments. New Urbanization plans were enacted in the year 1989 and 1997 as first and second phase respectively and these where geared towards having a significant impact on the city development and accompany urban growth in every ramifications.
Social Structure and Customs,
The population of Conakry is heterogeneous, although certain large groups dominate. When the French settled there in 1885 the Peninsula of Tombo consisted of two sparely populated villages, known as Conakry and Boulbinet. The Baga people are considered to constitute the demographic foundation of the city and the Susu people merged with them to form the initial population of Conakry. Then later on Peul (fulbe) migrants joined them. The Peul were present in the villages of Tumbo from the 19th century onwards, and mostly settled in the mainland. Considering the foregoing discourse, one can categorically say that the Susu and Baga people formed the main demographic basis of Conakry that is presently the Capital of the Republic of Guinea.
Culture, the culture of Conakry has been influenced by Islamic religion since the majority of populations are Muslims. But, Muslim customs are not as stringent as what is obtainable in the Arab world. Hence, the traveller to Conakry can easily notice that from the inhabitant’s way of life. Everyone in the country have mutual respect for people beliefs and traditions that are different from each tribe. In Conakry, it is very important to greet people and ask them how they are before starting a conversation. Guineans always use titles when addressing other people such as Mr., Mrs., and miss (Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle etc). The marriage tradition usually has two phases; phase one is based on religion tradition whereby the couples and their families go to mosque for holy solemnization between the couples. The second phase is based on the statutory law whereby couples, families and friends go to the Commune append their signature for marriage in the presence of the Mayor. Thereafter, celebration will be held in the wife or husband’s house.  In my hometown there are three types of law that are enforced in the city; they are customary, religious and statutory laws and these laws have created confusion that undermines respect for women’s right such as forced marriage.  
In addition to above information, Conakry local people are involve in craft such fishing, wooden activity such wooden chair, beds and others  activities like  commerce  example
Religion: the majority of the population (i.e. 85 percent) identifies themselves as Muslims whiles 8 percent of the people are Christians and 7 percent practice traditional religions. Most of the Christians are Roman Catholics. Friday prayers are widely attended and Muslim holidays such as fasting month and (EID Al-Adha) is observed in my hometown Conakry.
Festivals Observed in Conakry:
In the city all the festivals are widely celebrated by all citizen irrespective of their faith, since the Muslim are majority two Muslim celebration ( EiD al-Fitri and EiD Al Adha)  are well celebrated up to 4 days respectively. Similarly, Christian’s festivals such as Christmas and news year day are celebrated as in like manner.
In conclusion, Conakry was founded in year 1880 at the time when it was lying on Tumbo Island and the “Comapyennes Peninsula”. Although, the population of the town is heterogeneous, Islam is the dominating faith. The people of Conakry have mutual respect for one another. Thus, any body that has travelled to Conakry will have green memories of admiration to remember the town and as well describe it

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